
All times are listed in EST (GMT -5).

Emerging Smarter: How Covid-19 is Reshaping the Future of Radiation Medicine

February 4, 2021 from 2:00pm EST to 3:45pm EST

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted numerous lives and dramatically impacted the health care systems.  On the flip side, it has served as a catalyst for the transformation of radiation medicine, research and education.  

In this section, physicist Dr. Wayne Beckham and physician Dr. Arjun Saghal provide their views of how the fields radiation oncology and medical physics are changing in response to the pandemic.  The panelist will comment on the clinical evidence for and safety of rapid uptake of hypofractionation and SBRT protocols in clinics across Canada in 2020.  The participants can expect to learn about factors that play a role in the permanent and wide-spread integration of hypofractionation in the clinic.  Research activities both at the bench and clinical levels are undergoing transformations as well, and the panelists will present commentaries addressing scientific concerns.  In this session, we will spotlight creative initiatives of the session participants that are paving the way for improved and re-invigorated cancer care.  

Speakers / Panelists